Bottled Water Facts & The Truth Behind | One Water Systems | Whole House Water Filtration & Water Softening Systems

Bottled Water Facts & The Truth Behind

Bottled Water Facts & The Truth Behind

Why People Drink Bottled Water?

There are several reasons people often choose bottled over tap water.

The first is taste. Tap water is disinfected with chlorine in most locations within the US. Chlorine often causes taste issues which many people do not like. Bottled drink, on the other hand, is most often disinfected with ozone, which does not leave any after-taste.

Another reason is people often believe that purified bottled water is simply cleaner than tap water. For most major bottled water brands this is true. These brands will often take water from the tap, but will further disinfect it at the bottled water plant, removing much of the material that is present even in high-quality tap municipal source.

Others drink bottled water because it is fashionable to do so.

Lastly, some drink it so they can get more alkalinity in their water than what is provided by municipal water systems. While others, especially those with bladder or urinary problems, buy bottled water because they find brands that are lower in alkalinity.

Should We Stop Drinking Bottled Water?

This is a personal preference. For those with clean, safe tap source, stopping the use of bottled drinks should not be a problem. For those with suspect tap water, bottled is a safer alternative.

There are some, however, that believe the process of packaging water bottles brings about numerous environmental problems. There is some truth to this. In 2008, it took over 50 million barrels of oil just to produce plastic water bottles. These same bottles, for the most part, end up in landfills instead of recycling centers.

Also, the use of water bottles is increasing. Studies from 1976 up to 2007, show that, on average, the bottled water consumption increased in the US by some thirty times, from a little over one gallon per person to thirty gallons per person per year.

Is Bottled Water the Same as Distilled Water?

No, not really. Distilled water must go through a special process of distillation. Most commonly bought water is not distilled. Bottles that are labeled as distilled must meet certain purification process requirements before it can be labeled as such. Most bottled drinks goes through a filtering process known as reverse osmosis, which is not the same as distilling.

Is Tap Water Cleaner than Bottled Water Sold at Stores?

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has established strict guidelines for municipal water treatment plants in terms of quality. Even so, tap water can contain a variety of unwanted minerals and chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride.

If your tap has a properly functioning high-quality water filter attached to it then it may be cleaner than bottled one. If not, then both are about equal in cleanliness. The cleanest form of H2O is actually distilled bottled water source.

12 Reasons Why We Should Stop Drinking Bottled Water

1. Plastic bottles are not safe for reuse and must be discarded.
2. Discarding billions of empty bottles is impacting the environment.
3. It takes millions of barrels of oil to make plastic bottles per year.
4. Energy costs for making bottles are rising.
5. Bottled water cost is expensive when compared to tap supply.
6. Most tap water is safe to drink.
7. Many bottles for sale are just tap water in fancy bottles.
8. Regulation is still weak in the US.
9. Consumers do not always know what is in their bottled water ingredient.
10. Some an be very high in salt content.
11. It must be carried home and stored.
12. Some brands can taste “flat”.

12 Reasons Why We Shouldn’t Rid of Bottle Water

1. In some areas, the ultra pure water bottled products are much cleaner and more hygienic than kitchen tap supply.
2. Bottled H2O can be used in remote locations where tap water is not an option.
3. Some homes have problems with pipes, such as rust or lime buildup, and bottle water is a good, clean alternative.
4. It can be easily transported from place to place, in a variety of container sizes.
5. Containers that are sealed can be kept indefinitely for use during emergencies or droughts. It can also be used should tap water service go off.
6. Fluoridated water can be used by consumers who do not get enough fluoride in their daily intake.
7. Tap water source that is high in salt content can be replaced with bottled one that is low in salty minerals.
8. Many people feel safer when consuming bottled water (though this is questionable).
9. Many brands come in flavors which some consumers prefer over bland tap water.
10. The flavored bottled water prices are constantly coming down, making it more affordable for more people.
11. The production employs millions of people across the globe – the economy can suffer if thousands of people losing jobs.
12. For some people, water that is higher in alkalinity is desired and they can get this in various bottled brands.




courtesy: Waterclue