News | One Water Systems | Whole House Water Filtration & Water Softening Systems - Part 13


What Are the Benefits of Rain Barrels?

A rain barrel is a container that captures and stores rainwater draining from your roof. Barrels usually range from 50 to 80 gallons and have a spigot for filling watering cans and a connection for a soaker hose. Combining the use of rain barrels with appropriate plant selection and mulching promotes water conservation. Rain barrels benefit your home, garden and community.Money Saver Rain barrels save homeowners money on their water bills. Garden and lawn irrigation accounts for 40 percent of [...]

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Survey Indicates Americans Concerned About Tap Water Quality

A new survey reveals that 55% of Americans are concerned about the quality of their tap water. The online survey, conducted by Cint on behalf of Bluewater, also revealed that approximately one in six Americans avoid drinking water direct from their kitchen taps.The online poll surveyed more than 1,000 U.S. adults ages 18 to 70 about their general sentiments around drinking residential water and their use of different residential water filtration and purification devices in the market. Some 40.2% [...]

Water Systems and Salt

Researches across the country, reacting to the concern of health experts about the possible connection between sodium and health problems, are recommending that people on salt restricted diets avoid home water softeners that use sodium.According to the American Heart Association, fatal heart attacks are more common in areas where the water is either naturally soft or has been treated to remove calcium and magnesium.The AHA also indicated some other health problems, including goiters and bladder disease, may be tied [...]

Bottled Water Facts & The Truth Behind

Why People Drink Bottled Water?There are several reasons people often choose bottled over tap water.The first is taste. Tap water is disinfected with chlorine in most locations within the US. Chlorine often causes taste issues which many people do not like. Bottled drink, on the other hand, is most often disinfected with ozone, which does not leave any after-taste.Another reason is people often believe that purified bottled water is simply cleaner than tap water. For most major bottled water [...]

Message from U.N. secretary-general on World Water Day 2015

NEW YORK — In preparation of the adoption of a new post-2015 sustainable development agenda for the U.N. in September, World Water Day 2015 addresses the vital role of water, according to a message from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. “We rely on water for public health and equitable process,” said Ban Ki-moon in the World Water Day message. “It is essential for food and energy security, and it underpins the functioning of industries." Ban Ki-moon continues in the message that climate [...]

How Water Affects Beer Brewing…

Water quality is very important for a good tasting beer since water comprises more than 90 percent of total mass. There are certain drinkingwater standards that regulate the maximum allowable concetration of bacteria and metals in safe drinking water. It is essential to know that water used for brewing does not have metals, chlorine or biological contaminations, since they can cause flavor defects in beer. Ions that contribute to beer taste are calcium, magnesium bicarbonate, sulfate sodium and chloride. [...]

Drinking Water Guidelines…

Bottled Water: Drink filtered tap water instead. You can read the bottle label, but you still won’t know if the water is pure and natural, or just processed, polluted, packaged tap water. EWG found 38 contaminants in 10 popular brands.Tap Water: Learn what’s in it. Tap water suppliers publish all their water quality tests. Bottled water companies don’t. Read your annual tap water quality report. Look up your city’s water in EWG’s National Tap Water Atlas ( (Private well? [...]

Facts About Our Drinking Water….

Here's a few facts relating to our drinking water through the years:1854: Physician John Snow's investigation into a cholera outbreak in London links its spread to drinking water.  This served as proof that it could carry disease.  Such discoveries drove improvements in drinking and wastewater systems. 1890: Use of chlorine to treat water becomes commonplace in municipal systems in England.  This practice comes to America in 1908 via Chicago and Jersey City, N.J.  Widely used today, it's now [...]

Our Water Footprint…

ou’ve heard all about your carbon footprint, but do you ever think about your water footprint? Everything you touch uses water in the manufacturing process; this hidden water is called “virtual water,” and, says Stephen Leahy in Your Water Footprint: The Shocking Facts About How Much Water We Use to Make Everyday Products, "each of us uses far more virtual water than the 'regular' water we can see, feel and taste." On average, Americans use 100 gallons of regular water [...]