The ongoing water crisis in California has sparked an apparent crime wave in some parts of the state, with [...]
Study shows U.S. is third in annual water consumptionVISTA, Calif. — A study conducted by two engineers at the [...]
Great job to the Grothe family for getting their system for free by sharing One Water Systems to their [...]
A rain barrel is a container that captures and stores rainwater draining from your roof. Barrels usually range from [...]
PALM SPRINGS — Two environmental groups that are suing the state seeking more stringent controls on hexavalent chromium in [...]
July 23, 2013 By Hunter Home Water Filtration
Comments Off on Court steps in as California considers chromium-6 limit in drinking water Most water companies out there are using a carbon based filter. Most companies out there will leave it just [...]
(NaturalNews) A leading cause of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism in children could be the hidden chemicals lurking [...]
Congratulations to Stacie Rosati on earning all of her money back! She referred 5 friends and was able to [...]
Survey Shows Increased San Diego Support for Recycled Water; Desal Still Most Important.
Support for adding treated, recycled water to [...]
Consumer review truths
In this electronic fast moving world made up of the youtube, Facebook [...]