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Free For Five Winner
Doug Anderson of Carlsbad just got his One Water System for free. Congratulations Doug! Thank you from all of [...]
Drinking Water Violations
According to records from 2015, the EPA said that 21 million people were served by drinking water systems that didn’t meet standards [...]
Stay Hydrated in this California Heat…
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San Diego Water Audit Delayed
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Public Water Systems and Fluoride….
(NaturalNews) A leading cause of ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder) and autism in children could be the hidden chemicals lurking [...]
The Otay Water District’s Board of Directors publicly rebuked Director Hector Gastelum
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Survey Indicates Americans Concerned About Tap Water Quality
A new survey reveals that 55% of Americans are concerned about the quality of their tap water. The online [...]
Our Water Footprint…
ou’ve heard all about your carbon footprint, but do you ever think about your water footprint? Everything you touch [...]
Why Choose Filtered Water?
Bottled water, due to several factors, is clearly not a healthier or purer alternative to tap water. Also, bottled [...]