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Something to think about…
If all new sources of contamination could be eliminated, in 10 years, 98% of all available groundwater would then [...]
Are You Drinking Enough Water?
When it comes to staying hydrated, many women follow the old rule of thumb: 8 glasses of water a [...]
Contaminant of the month…Hormones
What it is:Hormones are chemicals that act as signaling agents. They are release in one part of an organism [...]
Wasteful Bottled Water..
No Bottled Water The environmental cost of the massive consumption of bottled water has led some U.S. and Canadian [...]
Bottled water can zap zinc levels…
Choosing spring water over purified water could help prevent a dangerous deficiency. According to Lawrence D. Wilson, M.D., author [...]
Best Home Water Filter in San Diego – One Water Systems
We can’t live without water! Water is necessary for survival of any species on planet. Clean drinking water is [...]
Drinking Water Guidelines…
Bottled Water: Drink filtered tap water instead. You can read the bottle label, but you still won’t know if [...]
Water Testing in the U.S.
The 2011 Healthy Pools campaign reported that half of U.S. swimming pools tested had improper pH and chlorine levels. [...]
These 4 Things Need to Happen to End California’s Drought
The Golden State is being drenched this week by heavy rains and snow driven by a powerful El Niño. [...]