Hunter | One Water Systems | Whole House Water Filtration & Water Softening Systems - Part 11

Author - Hunter

Hard Water Treatment San Diego

Electronic Hard Water Treatment

The One Water Systems WT-5 Amp Force Calcium Control unit solves the problems associated with "hard water" electronically, instead of the chemical processes used by water softeners and without the need for adding salt (sodium or potassium chloride). By using electronic impulses the WT-5 de-crystallizes the hard water minerals, calcium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate. Not only does this PREVENT mineral build-up in your home's plumbing but it will actually REDUCE any existing build up in your pipes.Stop putting unnecessary [...]

Filtered vs. Purified? What you need to know…

Filtered Drinking Water vs Purified WaterWater filters that use filtration methods such as adsorption, carbon, activated carbon, kinetic degradation fluxion (KDF), and particulate filtration produce filtered drinking water.Water systems that use purification methods such as reverse osmosis (R.O.), distillation, ozone, and ultraviolet produce purified water.One important reason is that numerous studies have shown that mineral-rich drinking water is the healthiest. Both reverse osmosis water and distilled water are de-mineralized.The World Health Organization (WHO) published a study on drinking water [...]

Court steps in as California considers chromium-6 limit in drinking water

PALM SPRINGS — Two environmental groups that are suing the state seeking more stringent controls on hexavalent chromium in drinking water say a court has given state officials a deadline to propose a standard for permissible levels of the potential carcinogen.The Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Working Group sued the California Department of Public Health last year, trying to speed the establishment of a drinking water standard for hexavalent chromium, also known as chromium-6.Chromium-6 occurs naturally in [...]

Why Water is Important!

We chose five of those reasons for why drinking water solves any problem:1. It protects your heartDrinking a large amount of water could help prevent heart attacks.2. Gives the brain a boostWater provides the brain much needed oxygen to perform at optimum levels.3. Helps save moneySoft drinks are becoming increasingly more expensive at restaurants; drinking water can be a cheap alternative.4. Helps you lose weightDrinking water has the ability to increase your metabolic rate, thus helping [...]

Tap Water Filter San Diego

Filtering Tap Water in San Diego

What if you could drink crystal clear, healthy and delicious water out of every tap in your home? With One Water Systems home water filters, you can! One convenient system installs in your home and filters your water as it comes into your home's plumbing. This means less build up in your pipes, less maintenance on your plumbing and of course healthy, clean water from every tap. Based in San Diego, One Water Systems has helped THOUSANDS of homes [...]

Your Feedback is Important to us!

In our continuing effort to provide our customers with the best customer service, we would like to hear from you. Please call 760.730.5835 and leave a message of your experience with One Water Systems...Thank you and we appreciate your feedback.

Technology and Drinking Water’s Future…

In 2011, there were 8,322 reported violations of maximum contaminant levers affecting 14,915,599 people. There were 109,167 total violations from all categories in 2011 - a big increase from 2010 where there were only 75,857 total violations.The EPA reported 93.2 percent of the population are on water supplies that meet all health related standards: 4,1010 systems out of the 53,000 violated an MCL and 1,264 violated a treatment standard and the violations are somewhat reduced from 2010. [...]

Some more information on Arsenic

Facts about arsenic What is arsenic and where did it come from, and why are we just hearing about it now?Arsenic is a naturally occurring mineral in groundwater. It is found in water all over the world as both As3 (arsenite) and As5 (arsenate). In Bangladesh it is truly a health crisis.1 In South America, 7,000-year-old Andean mummies showed the effects of arsenicosis (arsenic poisoning) from prolonged exposure to contaminated drinking water. Europe was the first to lower their arsenic [...]