Air Quality |One Water Systems, California CA USA

Air Quality

Air Quality

Everyone understands that it’s important to know what exactly what goes in your body. Most people look twice before consuming food or water; but do we do the same with the air that we breathe?

A lot of us understand that pollution is getting worse and worse as the time goes by but what steps are we taking to insure that none of what is in our environment is being breathed in daily? The air we breathe in from our homes is a lot dirtier than the air we breathe outside. Most of us find us breathing the air in our homes a lot more often than the air outside. We open windows in our homes to let in “fresh air” all the time. Some things in our homes that cause the air to be polluted include: furniture, carpeting, pets, gas appliances, cleaners, moisture, even pollutants from outside that get trapped in your house. If someone had a particle meter to test the air quality in your house, you would be surprised to see the number spike much higher than the air quality outside.

Here at One Water Systems we pride ourselves in getting the best filtration for you. Not only do we specialize in water filtration but we also sell air filtration systems. Don’t neglect the health of your lungs; we need clean air just as much as clean water. Give us a call for more information on any type of filtration system today! (760) 994-4795