Summer Time Water Issues: How Filtration Systems Can Help | One Water Systems | Whole House Water Filtration & Water Softening Systems

Summer Time Water Issues: How Filtration Systems Can Help

Summer Time Water Issues: How Filtration Systems Can Help

Summer time: hotter for us, hotter for our water. As the days grow longer and the temperatures climb, summer brings a host of joys and activities. However, it also brings a unique set of challenges for our water supply. Ensuring your water is fresh, clean, and safe during the summer months is essential for enjoying all that this vibrant season has to offer.

One of the most common issues encountered in the summer is the increase in chlorine levels in municipal water supplies. To combat the higher bacterial activity that comes with warmer weather, water utilities often boost the amount of chlorine used to disinfect water. While this is necessary for safety, it can leave your tap water with an unpleasant taste and odor. Nobody wants their refreshing glass of water to taste like a swimming pool. Advanced water filtration systems are specifically designed to remove excess chlorine and other chemicals, ensuring that every sip you take is crisp, clean, and free from that terrible taste.

Another summer-specific concern is the increased demand on water resources. As people water their lawns, fill up pools, and take more frequent showers, the strain on water systems can sometimes lead to quality fluctuations. This heightened demand can cause temporary issues such as sediment and mineral deposits finding their way into your water supply. Whole house water filtration systems are equipped to handle these challenges, filtering out sediments and ensuring that your water remains clear and safe for all uses, whether you’re quenching your thirst after a hot day outside or cooking a family meal.

Summer activities often lead to more exposure to contaminants. Whether it’s from pesticides used on lawns or pollutants from increased outdoor activity, these elements can seep into the water supply. Cutting-edge filtration technology is designed to address these potential contaminants, providing an extra layer of protection for you and your family. With these systems in place, you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that your water is not only refreshing but also free from harmful substances.

This summer, don’t let water quality issues ruin your fun. At One Water Systems, we’re dedicated to ensuring you have access to the best water possible, all season long. If you want to learn more about how our filtration systems can keep your water pristine during the summer months, give us a call at (760) 994-4795 or visit our website at Rest assured that our water filtration systems are installed right at the point of entry of the city water so it’s filtered before reaching any faucet in your home. Let us help you enjoy a summer filled with clean, delicious water.