That Water Has Flavor!
Many of the waters today have different flavors. Whether you’re drinking sparkling water with a hint of flavor or you’re just adding a flavor to already existing water, there seems to be an unlimited number of flavors to choose from to make regular water a little more flavorful. But what about regular water? Why do some waters just generally taste different from each other when there isn’t anything added to them?
Although water is a simple, colorless, and odorless substance, its taste can vary depending on several factors. One of the most significant factors that contribute to differences in the taste of plain water is the presence of minerals, such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals can alter the pH and mineral content of the water, resulting in a distinct taste.
Additionally, the source of the water can also impact its taste. For example, groundwater from a well may have a different taste than water sourced from a city water supply. Most of the time it is because well water tends to have way more minerals than most tap water. Ultimately, the taste of plain water is determined by a combination of factors, and it is these differences that can make the water from one location taste different from another.
Another factor in how certain waters can taste different is by how the water is treated. Reverse osmosis for instance takes tap water and removes everything out of it. RO systems remove minerals and substances that contribute to the taste of water, resulting in a flatter or more neutral taste, also known as zero water or dead water by the water industry. Then there are carbon filtration systems that remove harmful contaminants out of the water while leaving in the essential minerals like calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Here at One Water Systems, we are all about leaving in the essential alkalinity and good minerals. We all know that water is a vital part of the human body and as such we need all those minerals as well. If you want great tasting water without having the need to worry about what else could be in your tap water, give us a call today! (760) 994-4795