We would like to wish everyone a very Happy New Year! May 2018 bring happiness to everyone.
The San Diego County Water Authority said its sales earlier this year dropped 14 percent. This is in part [...]
Remember a few years ago, when we learned that our precious reusable water bottles could potentially give us cancer? [...]
ou’ve heard all about your carbon footprint, but do you ever think about your water footprint? Everything you touch [...]
1.) Only 1 in 5 plastic bottles are recycled2.) Americans consume over 8.6 billion gallons of bottled water3.) Most tap water is [...]
An interesting article from yahoo..MARINA, Calif. (AP) — In the Central California coastal town of Marina, a $7 million [...]
The ongoing water crisis in California has sparked an apparent crime wave in some parts of the state, with [...]
PALM SPRINGS — Two environmental groups that are suing the state seeking more stringent controls on hexavalent chromium in [...]
July 23, 2013 By Hunter Home Water Filtration
Comments Off on Court steps in as California considers chromium-6 limit in drinking water One Water Systems is Truly the home of the Giveaway system. We'd like to say a Big Thank You [...]
In today's society, everyone showers and bathes in heavily chlorinated water on a regular basis. Chlorine is a useful [...]